mpbase gist: How La Casera remains Nigeria’s king of apple soft drink @La_Casera @LacaseraNG @LaCasera_Apple @lindaikeji

The survival of any product depends on its ability to perform optimally even in the midst of challenging circumstances. La Casera, the original and most loved apple soft drink in Nigeria, continues to masterfully deploy a winning marketing strategy with a view to connecting with its dynamic consumers.
La Casera recently celebrated the International Fruits Day and the launch of its ‘Full Option’ SKUs that formed part of their commitment to remaining the real apple king in the Nigerian apple soft drink market.
La Casera Apple drink, which is synonymous with a unique fresh apple bite, is carefully made with 5% real apple juice, which cannot be found in any other carbonated apple drink in the market. As at 2018, La Casera remains the market leader with over 70% market share in the apple Soft Drink market in Nigeria according to studies by Nielsen market research agency.
The La Casera Company (TLCC), in line with its unrelenting efforts at sustaining market leadership and maintaining a strong presence in the ever-competitive Nigerian Soft Drink market, also has in its bouquet an array of other products beyond its flagship brand, La Casera Apple. Some of these include ready to drink Smoov Chapman, Bold Bitter Lemon and Nirvana Tonic Water, Nirvana Soda water and Nirvana Premium Table Water.
Speaking at the recent launch, the Managing Director of The La Casera Company (TLCC), Mr Roland Ebelt said, “as part of ongoing plans to engage consumers and offer them more options, this year has not be an exception in terms of thrilling activities from the brand, as TLCC promises a continuous and improved strategy to drive the brand for easy market penetration. We have introduced the ‘Full Option’ of our SKUs offering consumers options of 60cl, 50cl and 35cl bottles, a pack for every pocket and consumption style’’.
Celebrating the brand’s achievements, Ebelt attested that, La Casera has indeed warmed its way into the hearts and minds of its consumers, building a very strong brand equity through various consumer engagements and trade support programmes.
La Casera Apple drink has taken a position as one of the leading brands amongst consumer soft drink choices, experiencing strong demand and visibility nationwide.
Marketing Mix of La Casera
La Casera is the brand with the highest apple Soft Drink brand equity with a whopping share of the market. It has no doubt gone through the ups and downs of business to reach that enviable position. The marketing mix of La Casera has been refined over time to meet consumer expectations and demands.
TLCC pioneered PET bottled soft drinks in Nigeria with La Casera Apple drink which was launched in November, 2001. It has a market presence across the 36 states of Nigeria including the FCT.
In 2001 when it first hit the Nigerian market, the issues of a challenging environment that forced many manufacturers and competitors underground were there, but La Casera has against many odds, reinvented itself with quality product delivery that has captured the interests of many Nigerians who simply love the brand for its uniqueness.
La Casera Apple drink is produced under the highest quality standards in the process receiving the internationally acclaimed ISO 22000 certification for Food Safety Management System. The brand is in full compliance with NAFDAC, MAN and SON's regulations regarding food and beverage manufacturing processes, operating one of the most sophisticated world class CSD production lines in Africa. There are several units all operated under very strict hygienic conditions and minimal human interference with a state-of-the-art automation process.

La Casera maintains the integrity of its brand promise across multiple relationships and channels. The brand adopts ingenious promotional strategies to create an increased demand in the market by associating with life style and deploying value based communication across multiple channels.
As part of its goals to connect with its consumers, the brand allows price discounts and allowances to distributors and retailers in order to make more products available in the market.

The Soft Drink market commands a unique hold in the food and beverages sector of the Nigerian economy. Despite the huge popularity of the juices and flavoured water drinks, the unique tasting appeal of carbonated soft drinks and their array of flavours have always been a strength other drinks hardly match particularly when the soft drink boasts of real apple juice, a crispy fresh apple taste and irresistible aroma as it is in La Casera Apple Drink. Little wonder why it remains the king of apple in Nigeria with more and more consumers shouting ‘’I love this drink!’’.

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